First RTO Sister to Take Advantage of New Light Duty Program for Pregnant Workers Gives Birth

“Before the new pregnancy accommodations, I was worried about being restricted to the platform and standing for all those hours while pregnant,” Crawford said. “With the new accommodations, those worries went away. It is a great step for women who are pregnant working with transit."
"We couldn't be happier for Sister Crawford and her beautiful new baby girl," Local 100 Vice President Eric Loegel said.  "We wish her and her family much happiness and joy.  The union worked hard to negotiate the "Dedicated Announcer" light duty positions in RTO for pregnant workers.  It worked out well for Sister Crawford, and hopefully for many more RTO women in the months and years ahead."
Local 100 President Tony Utano extended his well wishes for Crawford and her baby. He pledged the union will continue to press the MTA for similar accommodations for transit women in all departments. "We have no intentions of stopping here,” Utano said. “Management can clearly see now what a great success this was for Janelle Crawford, and hopefully it will accelerate discussions for wider participation across the MTA."