Elections Committee

Aquilino Castro Chairman                 
Vicente Pagan, Jr.  Member                

Election Committee Main Tel.         212.873.6000 x2090

Election Committee Fax                   646.998.7150

Elections Committee                      elections2021@twulocal100.org

Arthur Z. Schwartz  Counsel          aschwartz@afjlaw.com

2024 Election Rules

2024 Neutral Monitor Decisions and Supplemental Rules


2021 Neutral Monitor Decisions and Supplemental Rules

Supplemental Election Rules

  1. Campaign Materials and Paraphernalia
  2. Text and Email Lists
  3. Employer Contributions
  4. Requests re: Continuous Good Standing
  5. Campaigning on Employer Paid Time
  6. Campaigning While Out on Sick Leave or on Workers Comp
  7. Ballot Collection
  8. Requests for Replacement Ballots
  9. Proof of Meeting Attendance