Manhattanville Depot Chair Tracey Young to be Honored at Cancer Society Walk
Tracey Young has been battling cancer for approximately two years: major surgery, chemotherapy, and its side effects. But you won't find Young sulking at home. Young - the first-ever female chair at Manhattanville Bus Depot - will be at her post by 6:30 a.m. weekdays to help union members with issues like scheduling, working conditions, and disciplinary matters. "I don't want to sit home dwelling on being sick," Young said. "I want to fight, and part of fighting is coming to work," Young said. She also wants to inspire others with cancer to be strong. "You can't give up, " Young said. "If you give up, this cancer will eat you up alive."
TWU Local 100 members can help raise funds for cancer research, and recognize Chairwoman Young, on Oct. 15 by participating in the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk in Central Park. The Working Women's Committee & Family Assistance has selected Young as an "honored sister" for the union contingent participating. You can register today. "We want a big turnout, not just to help the American Cancer Society, but to recognize our union sister, Tracey," said, Giselle Martinez, Working Women's Committee and Family Assistance Coordinator. "She is an amazing woman who inspires many." For those unable to make it to the Central Park Walk on October 15th, TWU Local 100 also will be walking in support of the American Cancer Society in the Bronx on Oct 22.