Statement from President Davis on the Death of Track Worker Ricardo Louis
JANUARY 8 -- A tragedy has struck the TWU family. At approximately 3:10 this morning, Track Worker Ricardo Louis, 44, collapsed on an L Train at Morgan Avenue while performing the duties of his job. Co-workers attempted to revive him and called 911.
EMS responded and took Brother Louis to Woodhull Hospital, but he could not be saved. Union reps responded to the scene and notified Brother Louis’s family, who met them at the hospital.
Transit work on the subway tracks is hazardous because of constant train traffic and because medical attention is not immediately available. TWU Local 100 has always fought for better working conditions and we will determine whether any avoidable hazard contributed to this tragic death.
On behalf of our membership of 44,000 transit workers, I convey deep condolences to the family of Brother Louis and offer them all the resources of the Union as they go forward at this difficult time.
Once we have details of the final arrangements for Brother Louis we will post them on our website.