Union Negotiates Promotional Path for Car Cleaners

Here’s what the new agreement with management provides:
✓ Management has agreed that, working with the City’s Department of Citywide Administrative Services (DCAS), the Civil Service title of Car Appearance Supervisor (CAS) will be reinstated. This will give Car Cleaners the same opportunities for growth and advancement to supervisor as every other title. The CAS jobs will be filled by promotion among the ranks of Incumbent CTA’s 

✓ While the MTA and DCAS work on bringing back the title, the union has negotiated a LEAD CLEANER position that will pay $1.70 more per hour. At least 40 Lead Cleaner jobs will be available in the next pick. These jobs will last until the promotional pathway is cleared by DCAS. 

✓ Management will accelerate the hiring of Car Cleaners to rebuild the Cleaner ranks depleted during the pandemic, and to bring the total number of Car Cleaners to 

Photo: CED Vice President Shirley Martin, seated, signs stipulation creating a promotional path for Car Cleaners. Standing from left are: Division Recording Secretary Eugene Bleynis, Chair Matt Ahern, President Tony Utano, and Car Cleaners Vice Chair Joan Bygrave.