WWC Frequently Asked Questions

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Who is part of the women’s committee?
Every member in good standing of Local 100.

Is there a fee to join?
No, there is no fee to join.

How can I become involved?
Show up to our meetings or write your concerns to Giselle Martinez at gmartinez@twulcal100.org or your departmental representative. Meetings are held quarterly at 11AM and 5PM. They are held at the Union Hall, 195 Montague Street, in downtown Brooklyn.

What departments do you assist with?

Are there meeting requirements involved?
No, just come as you are.

When should I contact the women’s committee?

  • If you have exhausted all division/departmental resources
  • If you feel more comfortable speaking with a woman about a matter.
  • If you have new ideas pertaining to women that you would like to bring to the leadership