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NBC’s Today Show and Al Roker Honor Bus Operators

Tuesday, June 13, 2023
About two dozen TWU Local 100 Bus Operators rode the bus today as the feted passengers of veteran weatherman Al Roker, who did a live broadcast on wheels for NBC’s Today show. With Father’s Day approaching, Roker, whose dad was a Bus Operator, decided to honor the men and women who move New York above ground. So, the Today show, with assistance from your union and the MTA, arranged for Roker to broadcast from a NYC Transit bus with Operators being the veteran newsman’s guests and audience.
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Family Day Brings Thousands to American Dream

Family Day 2023Thousands of union members came to American Dream in East Rutherford, NJ for a day of fun and feasting. The June 3 event was our first at the new venue, where members could enjoy the American Dream's water park and other big-time attractions. President Richard Davis welcomed transit workers and their families from our outdoor stage, along with Secretary-Treasurer John Chiarello and other top officers. Our Departments hosted tailgate parties with grills and raffle give-aways were held. Just click on the image to scroll the photos!

Kudos for a Conductor Who Loves His Job

A robot does not inspire confidence. Exhibit A in that regard is a January 4 tweet from NYCT customer Dean Collins, who tweeted: “Hey @MTA — whoever the guy is working the 25th Street R train Manhattan Bound (older guy) he is a superstar and deserves some praise/recognition.”
The Conductor Collins referred to is 22 year veteran Darryl Flannagan, 53, who makes announcements and watches for safe operations on the trip from Continental Avenue in Queens to 95th Street in Brooklyn weekday mornings. He does inspire confidence. Packed with energy and expertise, he’s someone who effortlessly telegraphs the message that you, the rider, are in good hands, and should anything go wrong, he’ll find a way to put it right.
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MAY 31 -- Thank you, brothers and sisters, for your support and solidarity as we battled the MTA during an extremely difficult series of contract negotiations. With your help, I’m pleased to report that we prevailed.

--We secured a tentative contract with solid annual raises of 9.8% compounded over three years – and $4,000 in Essential Worker Cash Bonus payments – that are substantially better than the city pattern.

--We held the line on healthcare costs, defeated efforts to cut subway staffing, and won an unprecedented expansion of maternity and paternity leave for members having children.

--We made sure that medical coverage will be provided to the families of our brothers and sisters who died after contracting COVID-19.

And we enhanced medical coverage for retirees. In the great tradition of trade unionism, we are taking care of our members as well as the old, the young, and the sick.

These victories, and others you will see in this package, were not easily obtained. The MTA took a hardline stance, not wanting to give an inch of ground on wages or benefits. In fact, the MTA wanted us to pay for our own raises and contract improvements through significant concessions and givebacks, including doubling our paycheck deductions for healthcare from 2% to 4%, and expanding OPTO with the removal of Conductors from trains. Those demands were defeated.

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Helping Kids Find Their Way

Three Local 100 members gave back to the community Wednesday, May 25, 2023, by participating in Erasmus Hall High School’s “Career Transition Fair” in Brooklyn. The trio answered questions posed by students curious about transit jobs and provided literature about both employment and internship opportunities at the Metropolitan Transportation Authority.
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Memorial Day: Remembering and Honoring Fallen Heroes

Today, we take a moment to remember and honor the brave men and women who have made the ultimate sacrifice defending our country's values. They are heroes who put their lives on the line to protect the freedoms we enjoy every day. As a union representing tens of thousands of workers in the transportation industry, we are deeply connected to the values of service, sacrifice, and dedication to something greater than ourselves. We honor the memory of those who devoted their lives to our nation's defense including the many members of our TWU Local 100 family who have served our country with honor and distinction. 

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Theater Troupe Has Shout Out, Cheap Tickets for Local 100 Members

The producers of Race: The Movie: The Play, now playing off-Broadway in Soho, have an offer for TWU Local 100 members -- $16 tickets (more than 50% off the regular price.)

Why? In their playbill, producer Brett Raybould writes: "We would also like to give a special shout-out to Richard Davis, Tony Utano, Vanessa Jones, TWU Local 100, and all the NYC transit workers who move New York. Without them, the dream of this show wouldn't be able to happen. To learn more about their fight for higher wages, better benefits, and fairer treatment, visit"

Sounds good to us. The show is a slapstick comedy spoofing cheesy race movies and stars SNL alum Dean Edwards in the lead role. To enjoy the show, just go to the Soho Playhouse at 15 Vandam St, in Manhattan and use the promo code, LOCAL100. For $16, you're in. The theater's website is here.

Deadline for M3 College Scholarships is May 31

M3 Scholarship (Apply Now)

The TWU Local 100/M3 Technology Scholarships, offered for the first time ever in 2010, and established by your leadership, are awarded by your union each year.

Fill out the application to apply for the 2023 Scholarship.The deadline for this application is May 31, 2023. These are one year scholarships. TWU Local 100 members/retirees in good standing may submit one application each year for each student. Households with two TWU Local 100 members/retirees, may submit two applications per student each year.


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Solidarity Rallies Continue as Contract Deadline Nears

Wednesday, May 10, 2023 — Approximately 300 union members rallied today outside a subway car overhaul shop/ rail yard in northern Manhattan, the latest in a series of actions demanding a fair contract from the MTA.

Blowing whistles, chanting slogans, and demonstrating solidarity with spirit, the boisterous group joined Local 100 President Richard Davis, Secretary-Treasurer John Chiarello, CED Vice President Shirley Martin, Chair Matt Ahern, and other officers, outside the 207th St. facility.

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Fresh Pond Depot Rally Demonstrates Solidarity

Approximately 100 Bus Operators and other Local 100 members rallied outside of Fresh Pond Depot Wednesday in a show of solidarity as contract negotiations continue. The spirited group chanted "No Contract, No Peace" and "We are The Union" just outside management offices, prompting cars and busses to honk their horns in support. They also carried signs with messages to the MTA, including "Respect and Recognition. Put it in the Contract."

The rally was the second of four this week put together by the Local 100 Organizing Department in conjunction with Vice Presidents and other Departmental Officers. Additional rallies at other work locations are in the works!

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