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Making it Official, 9/11 Museum to Honor Transit Workers

22 years ago when the Towers fell, 3500 transit workers rushed to Ground Zero to engage in the rescue and recovery effort, believing as most observers did, that hundreds of survivors may be alive under the rubble. Most were assigned by New York City Transit to the scene -- not only because transit property was at stake, but also because only NYCT had the heavy equipment needed to remove debris, smashed cars, and iron beams so that first responders to get to the pile. We set up telecommunications equipment at the scene for first responders, conducted a massive clean-up after removing debris, and set up lighting towers to rescuers could work through the night. Our work trains removed thousands of tons of debris via subway tunnels.

Most members of the general public did not know that story -- but that's changing. This August, the 9/11 Memorial and Museum, where the world goes to understand that happened on 9/11/01, agreed to feature transit worker artifacts and stories within their exhibit space. On August 21, we held our annual medal ceremony for members injured or made ill at 9/11 at the Museum. Local 100 President Richard Davis was joined by 9/11 Memorial and Museum CEO Beth Hillman and NYC Transit President Richard Davey. You can see photos of the event here.

Recording Secretary Latonya Crisp speaking after being honored at the 2023 Breast Cancer Walk Kickoff in the Bronx
Recording Secretary Latonya Crisp speaking after being honored at the 2023 Breast Cancer Walk Kickoff in the Bronx

Promises Kept: Recording Secretary LaTonya Crisp to be Honored at Cancer Walk

Amidst thousands of joyous revelers, colorful floats, and waving flags, Local 100 Recording Secretary LaTonya Crisp marched in the NYC Pride Parade in Greenwich Village last year with a personal secret. She had cancer. Crisp had received the shocking cancer diagnosis just two days earlier. She was in great pain. Still, she was determined to keep her word.

“I made a promise to the Local 100 members of the LGBT community that I would be there for the parade, and nothing was going to stop me,” she said.

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TWU Remembers the March on Washington, 60 Years Ago

Saturday, Aug. 26, 2023 -- Thousands are gathering in Washington DC today to mark the 60th Anniversary of the historic 1963 Civil Rights march to the National Mall. It was there that the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his famous “I Have a Dream” speech before a stunningly large crowd of 250,000 people. Richard Davis, President of TWU Local 100, said: "The anniversary reminds me of our union’s proud history in the fight against racism, starting in the 1930s with TWU’s founder, Michael J. Quill, vowing the union would support workers “regardless of race, color, or nationality.”

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Dominican Day 2023!

Dominican Day 2023

TWU Local 100, led by President Davis, proudly stepped up onto 6th Avenue in Manhattan on Sunday, August 13th. Union members marched, danced, and enjoyed great Dominican food. President Davis made the rounds, greeting politicians including our close ally Congressman Adriano Espaillat, who recently championed the cause of our restricted duty personnel manning the elevators in upper Manhattan. He also met with Dominican President Luis Abinader. Enjoy the photos!

Manhattanville Depot Chair Tracey Young to be Honored at Cancer Society Walk

Tracey Young has been battling cancer for approximately two years: major surgery, chemotherapy, and its side effects. But you won't find Young sulking at home. Young - the first-ever female chair at Manhattanville Bus Depot - will be at her post by 6:30 a.m. weekdays to help union members with issues like scheduling, working conditions, and disciplinary matters. "I don't want to sit home dwelling on being sick," Young said. "I want to fight, and part of fighting is coming to work," Young said. She also wants to inspire others with cancer to be strong. "You can't give up, " Young said. "If you give up, this cancer will eat you up alive."

TWU Local 100 members can help raise funds for cancer research, and recognize Chairwoman Young, on Oct. 15 by participating in the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk in Central Park. The Working Women's Committee & Family Assistance has selected Young as an "honored sister" for the union contingent participating. You can register today. "We want a big turnout, not just to help the American Cancer Society, but to recognize our union sister, Tracey," said, Giselle Martinez, Working Women's Committee and Family Assistance Coordinator. "She is an amazing woman who inspires many." For those unable to make it to the Central Park Walk on October 15th, TWU Local 100 also will be walking in support of the American Cancer Society in the Bronx on Oct 22.

At the 9/11 Museum, Local 100 President Richard Davis (center, with tie) stands with 9/11 Museum CEO Beth Hillman and CED VP Shirley Martin. Next to Davis is former President Tony Utano. At right is NYCT President Richard Davey.
At the 9/11 Museum, Local 100 President Richard Davis (center, with tie) stands with 9/11 Museum CEO Beth Hillman and CED VP Shirley Martin. Next to Davis is former President Tony Utano. At right is NYCT President Richard Davey.

Union Holds 9/11 Medal Ceremony at 9/11 Museum as Transit Workers Get Recognition

There were tears, and some smiles, at the National September 11 Memorial Museum Monday night as Local 100 for the first time held its annual medal ceremony at Ground Zero. More than 125 transit workers and family members came to the “civic temple” to see eight workers being honored for their rescue-and-recovery work at Ground Zero. All eight became ill from their service, and two passed away.
Joycelyn Lee accepted a medal on behalf of her deceased husband, Work Train Operator Eddie Lee. “Unfortunately, we lost him in 2016, but when I got the call he was going to be honored, my heart was like he was alive again,” Joycelyn Lee said. Lee, who moved out of state, said family and friends back home were equally happy Eddie, and his union brothers and sisters, were getting the recognition they so rightfully deserve. “They’re already asking, ‘When are you coming back [with the Union's medal for service],’ “Jocelyn Lee said. “It’s like an Olympic medal.”

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Contract Implementation Update: Timelines for Raises

AUGUST 22 -- President Davis has announced the timelines for contract implementation, including raises, maternity/paternity benefits, and other pay enhancements. You can read them here.

The essential worker pay we won in the recently approved contract is on its way. The Transit Authority has set a September 8th deadline for exercising your right to defer tax on the essential worker check. Click here for the description of what to do.

Eastern European Day: Registration Open!

Sunday, September 17th, 2023
Join us and Immerse yourself in the rich traditions, vibrant music, and delectable cuisine from Eastern Europe. Experience an evening of dance, music, and a wide range of delicious dishes that will tantalize your tastebuds. It's an opportunity to connect with members and enjoy celebrating the diversity that makes out union stronger. Many know from years' past: this is not an event you want to miss! 

Time: 2:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Location: Tatiana Restaurant

Register for this event   |   Print Flyer  |  Get Directions


An arbitrator sided twith TWU Local 100 and ordered the Metropolitan Transportation Authority to implement a job pick for approximately 1,500 CTA’s in the Stations Department, President Richard Davis announced.

For nearly a month, the MTA refused to put the cleaners’ work assignments into effect, apparently in a fit of anger over a lawsuit the union filed on behalf of elevator operators in Washington Heights. But Arbitrator Howard Edelman, after hearing legal arguments from both sides, directed the MTA to implement the CTA job pick by August 20.

“The MTA was playing games, messing with our members’ lives, and we weren’t going to stand for it,” Davis said. “We brought this case and won on the merits.”

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TWU Local 100: Empowering Members through Scholarships

2023 M3 Scholarship Recipients

At TWU Local 100, we firmly believe in supporting the education and future success of our members and their families. These scholarships not only provide financial assistance for attending an accredited college but also recognize and reward the hard work and commitment of TWU Local 100 members and their families. 

We are delighted to congratulate the 2023 TWU Local 100 scholarship winners! As we celebrate their accomplishments, we are proud to extend an invitation to all eligible members and their families to continue applying for the M3 scholarships.  Apply Now! The TWU Local 100 & M3 Technology Scholarships have been helping our members fulfill their educational dreams since 2010. Your opportunity awaits.

Read more to learn more about the application process.

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