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Local 100 Keeps the Spotlight on Assault Case

It’s time for Alexander Wright, a career menace to society, to face the music. That’s the public message Stations Vice President Robert Kelley delivered Thursday, July 13, 2023, outside the Bronx courthouse, where Wright appeared on charges of assaulting subway Cleaner Anthony Nelson.

Prosecutors on Thursday informed the judge on the case that doctors recently deemed Wright, who had been remanded to a mental hospital, mentally fit to proceed to trial. Wright’s defense attorney then successfully requested time to review the medical reports. The case was adjourned to July 27.

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Deadline Extended for Duplicate Ballots

A.A.A. has granted TWU Local 100 an extension for requesting a duplicate ballot. The new deadline for making such requests is today, July 13th. This is the final day for anyone who has not yet received their ballot or has lost their original due to damage or misplacement.

To request a duplicate ballot, voters should contact A.A.A.'s Duplicate Ballot Hotline at 1-800-529-5218 between 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM before the deadline.

For more information about your contract, please click here.

Union Awards Over $150K In College Scholarships

JULY 7 -- At the Union Hall, we awarded over $150,000 in college scholarships to Union members, their spouses, children and grandchildren. Here's the raffle, as we draw the winners! With Pres. Richard Davis, and John Pescitelli, CEO of our partner in these awards, M3 Technology.

You can see the list of scholarship winners and alternates here. The top 12 winners have won awards greater than the standard award, which is $1,500. The 12th winner, Sarah Mathew, is the winner of the Garrett Goble Scholarship, for $2,500.


Medical Benefits Info for Retirees: Answers to Your Questions

What happens when you retire before age 65?
If you are between the ages of 55 and 65, you continue with the same health care as if you were still working. No change. The same high-level of coverage continues. This is a major contractual benefit Local 100 secured years ago.

What happens when you are 65 and Medicare-eligible?
In this contract, we secured millions of additional funding to dramatically improve coverage and benefits for Medicare Eligible retirees.

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Questions and Answers on the Contract

The value of the tentative contract is a record-setting $870 million. 
That includes compounded raises of nearly 10% - 3% retroactive to May 16, 2023; 3% next year; and 3.5% in the third year. Members also will receive two Essential Worker bonus payments totaling $4,000. This is significantly better than the city pattern.

When will we receive the Essential Worker Bonus payments?
Members will receive the first payment of $3,000 within 60 days of final ratification. The second $1,000 payment will arrive in November 2024.

Are the $4,000 in Essential Worker Bonus payments pensionable? Can I put the money into a 401k retirement plan without taxes being deducted?
Yes, and Yes. Information on how to roll the two payments will be provided after ratification.


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Tanya McCray Assault Case Update

On Friday, June 23, 2023 Tanya McCray, who was assaulted by an entitled investment banker, returned to court only to find out her case is being adjourned until September 28th. 
Her attacker, Jean Francois Coste, was charged with second degree assault and released without bail. This is one of many cases that are part of ongoing investigations. Comparing this April to April of last year, the MTA reported an 87.5% increase in felony and misdemeanor assaults across all NYCT departments. At this point in 2023, we are running ahead of 2022 YTD incidents by 21.4%.
“The assault on our member, Tanya McCray, was a reprehensible act that deserves to be met with the full force of the law. This was an act of violence and the perpetrator must be shown that he is not above the law.” said Richard Davis.
As members and officers gathered in support of McCray, they learned again that cases within the justice system can be lengthy, complex, and often involve protracted legal process, which can be emotionally and mentally tiring not only for the victim but also for those who are supporting her. “Solidarity goes a long way during the fight for justice.” Said  RTO VP Canella Gomez, “no member should have to navigate this process alone. We are here with support and resources every step of the way.”
Join your union brothers and sisters in solidarity with Sister McCray for her next court date on September 23rd.
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Leadership Discusses Record-High $870 Million Contract With Members Across the Transit System

PRESIDENT DAVIS HAS BEEN BARNSTORMING THE BUS AND SUBWAY SYSTEM, talking about the tentative contract with members at more than 100 work locations across all departments.

In just the last two days, Davis and other officers shopgated at the Cozine Ironworker shop in Brooklyn; the Structures quarters at the West 4th St. subway complex in Manhattan; the Grand Ave. Bus Depot/Central Maintenance Facility in Queens; the Quay St. Mobile Wash facility, also in Brooklyn; and the new RTO facility at 138th St. and 3rd Ave. in the Bronx. “We committed that there would be no concessions, no givebacks, and that’s exactly where we ended up,” Davis, joined by Secretary-Treasurer John Chiarello, said to the MOW workers at West 4th St. Thursday morning. “We paid for nothing in this contract out of the members’ money.”

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Celebrating Puerto Rican Heritage, Local 100 Brings Union Power to the Parade

Puerto Rican Day Parade 2023Local 100 members turned out in union t-shirts celebrating the Puerto Rican heritage of so many transit workers on June 11th. A wonderful time was had by all assisted by great music from our own Gary Rosario's band. Great food was offered to all, with President Davis taking a turn on the congas. Just click to enjoy the photos!

Five-Alarm Fire Blazes Through Member's Apartment Building

After a devastating five-alarm fire tore through an apartment building in the Bronx, we are calling on all our union brothers and sisters to come together in support of our fellow member, India Potts, who is currently displaced. 
Donations are being accepted for India and her family in the Crew Room at E. 180th Street Station. See Dispatcher Rivera for drop-off instructions. Alternatively, donations may also be dropped off at the WWC office at 195 Montague St. 3rd fl 11201. Click “read more” below more to see the family’s clothing size.
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Union Fights MTA Staffing & Safety Cuts at 5 Northern Manhattan Stations

TWU Local 100 is fighting back against the MTA’s foolish and dangerous plans to eliminate elevator operators from five deep-cavern stations in Manhattan.

Looking to save a relatively paltry amount of money, the MTA plans on removing the operators from elevators in mid-July, abandoning riders who look to these men and women for a sense of safety and security, and to provide valuable customer service.
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