
The News Honors Transit Workers Every Year
The News Honors Transit Workers Every Year

Myler summoned me because he wanted to create a tribute to transit workers. Given the News’ blue-collar roots, the News should launch an award contest for exceptional bus and subway workers, he said. We created the annual Hometown Heroes in Transit awards, a joint project of the News, Transport Workers Union Local 100 and management.

As the News’ long-time transit reporter and columnist, I was enthusiastic.  The News once was firmly identified as the paper for working and middle class families in the city. But it had been drifting for a many years with the occasional smarmy anti-union editorials, and oversized doses of gossip and drivel about low-tier celebrities. I hoped five years ago that Hometown Heroes would begin to raise public awareness about the difficult and often dangerous jobs transit worker perform, and raise awareness about the professionalism, dedication and selflessness with which many of them do those jobs.

I also hoped Hometown Heroes would be a good first step for the News to regain its footing, its compass, and its identity as newspaper for working and middle class families, a newspaper that doesn’t try to “out Post the Post” and regularly publish near-pornographic photographs demeaning to women.

As the News begins collecting nominations for the fourth Hometown Heroes in Transit awards I still harbor hope. You can do your part and submit a nomination: