Mayor Honors Memory of Bus Operator Edwin Thomas

At the request of City Council Member Alan Maisel (D-Brooklyn), who was lobbied by TA Surface officers, notably Vice Chair Louis Marrero, Mayor Bill de Blasio today signed legislation renaming a Brooklyn street for  Bus Operator Edwin Thomas, who was stabbed fatally by a passenger in December of 2008. Present were TWU Local 100 President John Samuelsen, TA Surface officers including Marrero, VP JP Patafio, and Chair Willie Rivera. Edley Thomas, who was 16 at the time of her father's slaying, spoke movingly to an audience of hundreds who were in the main chamber of the City Council for street namings which included honors for two recent NYPD Detectives killed in the line of duty. Along with Ms. Thomas was her best friend, Jessica, who together with the union officers stood for a  photo with the Mayor after the ceremony. Stay tuned for a video of Edley's remarks and those of Councilman Maisel.