Quality Members Ratify Contract


Members at Quality Brothers have ratified their first Local 100 contract by a 65-10 vote.

Last year, school bus workers at Quality decided to dump the existing house union and looked around for a union that would give them the representation they were looking for. They decided on TWU Local 100.

Local 100 won the subsequent representation vote by a wide margin. New members at Quality elected a bargaining committee which set to work.

School bus in NYC has been on a roller coaster thanks to the Bloomberg administration’s use of bidding to set off a race to the bottom. The uncertainties notwithstanding, members at Quality have won a solid contract which is a far cry from the deep concessions management was looking for.

Our congratulations to members at Quality and to the staff members who aided them in the organizing campaign and the contract fight.

[Photos: Quality members at a union meeting earlier this year, along with Sr. Director of Operations Curtis Tate]


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