RTO Stip a Major Breakthrough in Discipline

RTO VP Eric Loegel
RTO VP Eric Loegel

A stipulation signed June 4th by President Utano and RTO VP Eric Loegel with NYCT is a major reform for discipline within RTO. The stip changes disciplinary penalties for electronic device violations mirroring similar language in the Department of Buses.

VP Loegel said: "This is a significant piece of disciplinary reform for RTO. We set out to change the disciplinary culture in our department, and we’re doing just that. I’m extremely proud of this agreement, and I know it will save jobs for years to come.”

Previously, these violations started with a penalty of dismissal, and typically settled for 30 day suspensions, and final warnings. The new agreement provides the following protections:
• Instead of dismissal, demotion, or a 30 day suspension, a first offense is a 20 day suspension.
• That suspension equals five days served, with the remaining 15 for the record only.
• There is a “sunset clause” on these violations after three years.
• Electronic device violations are on a “separate track” from operational violations

The agreement is retroactive to the date of the final contract ratification, which was January 23rd, 2020. Read the Union's flyer here.