TWU Local 100 Had a Strong Alliance With the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.

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Dr. King with TWU Founder Mike Quill and Matty Guinan, former President of TWU Local 100 at our 1961 Convention

America's workers had no better friend and supporter than Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.  In fact, Dr. King was assassinated in Memphis while speaking out against racism and injustice against the City's sanitation workers during the famous "I Am a Man" strike.

TWU leaders of the 50's and 60's had a close friendship with Dr. King, who delivered the keynote speech at the TWU International Convention in New York in 1961. You can read that speech here.

Dr. King's legacy lives on in the labor movement today and we are proud to  be a part of that legacy. We honor him today as we celebrate this federal holiday.