TWU Steps Up at Sunday March in Solidarity With Striking School Bus Drivers and Monitors

ATU Rally Draws Thousands
ATU Rally Draws Thousands


IB ImageWith school bus contracts going out to bid this Wednesday, the City hopes to get new providers into the school bus system and scare union members into crossing picket lines. This fight has particular meaning for TWU Local 100 members. We are all transit workers, facing attempts to slash wages and benefits. We showed union power on Sunday, with a good turnout. But it’s going to take a sustained effort to win this one and retain the gains we have made.

TWU Local 100 has adopted three ATU strike lines: Atlantic Express in Brooklyn, near the East New York Depot, Metropolitan Avenue in Queens, 2 blocks from Grand Ave. Depot, and Zerega in the Bronx, just a block from the Zerega Depot. Show up and show solidarity with our Brothers and Sisters in the school bus industry.