Union Mourns Advisor Bill Lynch, 72

Bill Lynch, a long-time advisor to TWU Local 100 over the course of three administrations, passed away at the age of 72 of complications due to kidney disease. Known as "the rumpled genius," he was instrumental in the election of New York City's first Black Mayor, David Dinkins. President Samuelsen, in a note of condolence to his wife, Mary Lynch, said the following:

Dear Mary,

I would like to express to you and your children our deepest sorrow at losing Bill and our thanks to you for having shared him with us. Over the years, Bill enriched TWU Local 100 and me personally with his sage advice, but even more, his optimism and a sense of fellowship rarely encountered in the world of politics. He helped us to find our own way through challenging times, and we are the better off for it. He will not be forgotten.

In grief and gratitude, on behalf of 39,000 transit workers.

John Samuelsen

President, TWU Local 100