Utano Blasts Chairman Foye for Using MTA Cops to Treat Workers Like Criminals

MAY 8 -- Responding to a report tonight in the New York Daily News that the MTA plans to use police to monitor the overtime of transit workers, Local 100 President Tony Utano said: "Criminals are attacking transit workers everyday. Our members are getting spit at, punched, and even stabbed. And Chairman Foye is calling the cops on us instead of deploying cops to protect us. It's disgusting. It's shameful. It's outrageous." He continued: "Chairman Foye wants to treat transit workers like criminals in prison instead of like working men and women. Transit workers don't set work schedules or determine overtime levels. Management does. Call the cops on Foye, not us." You can read the Daily News story, in which TWU International President John Samuelsen is also quoted, here.