We Join "Fight for 15" Coalition; Push Higher Wages for Members at Global Contact Services

Carrying signs that demanded $15 and a contract, TWU Local 100 members demonstrated near City Hall as part of the #FightFor15 coalition, represented here in New York by New York Communities for Change. The campaign is also known as #strikefastfood, because most of the organizing drive is coming from fast food workers at such restaurants as McDonald's and KFC. At Global Contact Services, which TWU Local 100 organized recently and won representation rights for in an NLRB election which is being contested by management, the majority of workers make less than $12 an hour -- far below what we consider a living wage in New York City. Let's use the power of the TWU to get these -- our newest members -- a better deal. The noontime rally will be followed by more actions -- a great opportunity for our members to become part of this growing movement. We have our own hashtag -- #stopGCSabuse.