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Governor Announces A-Symptomatic Testing for Transit Workers

IB ImageAPRIL 25 — Transit workers can now get tested for COVID-19 even if they don’t have the symptoms, Gov. Cuomo said.

First responders, healthcare workers and essential workers, including transit workers, are now eligible under new state protocols, Cuomo said during his daily press conference Saturday. The state still lacks the capacity to do testing on demand for the general public but is opening it up to select groups of workers, he said.


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Butera's Provides Lunch to 125 at LaGuardia Depot

IB ImageWho ever said there’s no such thing as a free lunch?

Thanks to Jackie Labarbera and her company, Butera’s Fine Foods and Restaurant, at least 125 workers at the LaGuardia Bus Depot dug in to eight trays of food provided by the eatery in appreciation for the work done day in and day out by transit workers.

According to Division Vice Chair Mike Capocci, “everyone was very appreciative and the food was excellent.”  He added that the food was open to all, including the supervisors “but they paid for the refreshments” said Capocci with a chuckle.

So thank you Jackie, and Butera’s.  You brought smiles to a lot of faces, to say nothing of full bellies. Volunteers serving the food were Bus Operators Andrew Zizzo and Makyny Hostos.

Sick Rule Stipulation Expires

Please be advised that the stipulation regarding the relaxation of certain sick rule requirements, that have been in effect since March 15, 2020, expires Saturday April 25, 2020.  As a result, all rules regarding sick time and doctor’s lines revert back to the collective bargaining agreement between TWU Local 100 and the MTA.

Costco, Foodtown Relent; Offer Essential Access Priority to Transit Workers

TWU Local 100 members will get the same priority access as police, firefighters and medical personnel at Costco and Foodtown.

Costco corporate headquarters called Local 100 President Tony Utano this afternoon to say transit workers who show their Transit passes will be allowed to go to the front of any line to enter a Costco warehouse. The protest that Local 100 had called for Tuesday outside the Costco in Sunset Park, Brooklyn, is called off, Utano said.

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We Are Front Line Workers -- And We Matter

We are frontline workers -- and we matter. That's what this video produced by our members at the Michael J. Quill Depot in Manhattan says to all. We are New York and We Move New York!

Tuskegee Depot Mourns P&E Maintainer Julio Mejia

Julio Mejia, a Plant and Equipment Maintainer known for his generosity and sense of humor, passed away from COVID-19. Mejia, 58, who worked at the Tuskegee Depot, was hired by the MTA in 2003.

“My father was the most generous man in the world,” Tylik Mejia, one of Mejia’s two sons, said. “He would give you the shirt off his back if you needed it.” Mejia also had a nickname for everybody – and constantly was getting friends and family to laugh. “My pops was a jokester,” Tylik said. “He was always making jokes.”

Stanley Hayes, P & E Vice Chair for the Bronx, said Mejia started at the authority as a CM and later switched to Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning.  “He was always helpful and friendly,” Hayes said. “He was well liked by his co-workers. He will be missed.”

Union Mourns Collecting Agent Emiliano Padilla, 67

Brother Emiliano Padilla, who had 20 years of service as a Collecting Agent, has died from the coronavirus. His passing is especially painful because he exemplified the spirit of selfless commitment to others. In January of 2018, he was one of four union members who went to help in the disaster relief effort in Puerto Rico after the devastation of Hurricane Maria. This was Local 100’s second mission to the island.

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 Bill Pelletier with his wife, Heidi
Bill Pelletier with his wife, Heidi

William Pelletier, Retired TAS Vice President, Dies of Cancer

Retired Local 100 Vice President William “Bill” Pelletier passed away April 23, 2020 after a battle with a rare, aggressive form of prostate cancer, that doctors believe may be related to his esposure to the air at Ground Zero.  He was 69 years old and had been retired since 2008.

Brother Pelletier had served as the elected Chair of Flatbush depot for two terms, as Brooklyn Division Chair, and as Vice President for TAS during his career with the union.  He also served on the Local 100 Executive Board and as an elected delegate to several TWU International Union conventions.

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Dedicated Bus Operator Erlin "Flintstone" Galarza Dies at 66

The Gun Hill Depot is mourning the loss of Bus Operator Erlin “Flintstone” Galarza to the corona virus.

Hired in 2004, Galarza was a dedicated professional who very rarely took time off except for vacation. An affable man, Galarza, 66, was good-naturedly called “Flintstone” by co-workers because of his resemblance to cartoon character Barney Rubble in "the Flintstones." “Everybody loved him,” depot Chair Angel Montalvo said. “This is a big loss for all of us.”

Galarza, who immigrated to the United States from Ecuador, was very religious. He was devoted father and husband. Married to his wife for 42 years, Galarza arranged his work schedule so he could take his son, now a teenager, to school, Montalvo said. He planned to work until the age of 67, just months away, when he passed.

RTO Mourns Conductor Gary Cherry, 56, from Coronavirus

Gary Cherry, an RTO Conductor, passed from the coronavirus on Easter Sunday. Tragically, he was the fourth member of his family to die from the virus.

Brother Cherry began his career with New York City Transit in 2009. He and his wife, Odette, were married for 40 years and were High School sweethearts. They had four children, three grandchildren, and a fourth grandchild who is due in one week who will unfortunately never be able to see her grandfather. He also leaves to mourn him a sister and three brothers.

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